quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

The source server is currently rejecting replication requests

Quando ocorrer a mensagem "the source server is currently rejecting replication requests", proceda da seguinte forma:

1 - Execute o DCDIAG e verifique se a mensagem abaixo esta aparecendo:

Domain Controller Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:

   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\SERVER-DC
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... SERVER-DC passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests
   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Name\SERVER-DC
      Starting test: Replications
         [Replications Check,SERVER-DC] Inbound replication is disabled.
         To correct, run "repadmin /options SERVER-DC -DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL"
         [Replications Check,SERVER-DC] Outbound replication is disabled.
         To correct, run "repadmin /options SERVER-DC -DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL"
         ......................... SERVER-DC failed test Replications
      Starting test: NCSecDesc
         ......................... SERVER-DC passed test NCSecDesc
      Starting test: NetLogons
         ......................... SERVER-DC passed test NetLogons

As mensagens inbound e outbound replication is disabled indicam que o servidor não esta aceitando replicação.
2 - Para habilitar a replicação, execute os comandos abaixo:
repadmin /options ServerName -DISABLE_INBOUND_REPL

repadmin /options ServerName -DISABLE_OUTBOUND_REPL

3 - Execute novamente o DCDIAG, verifique que as entradas listadas no ítem 1 não estão mais aparecendo.

Esse procedimento resolve o problema de rejeição do DC.

Maicon C. K. Santos
Microsoft Certified Professional